Tuesday, 14 September 2010

READING 003 (and watching/ listening)

Documents of Contemporary Art
Edited by Margaret Iversen
Whitechapel Gallery Ventures Limited, London
MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

La Monte Young, Composition 1960 #10, 1960

An interview with Merce Cunningham and John Cage - Walker Art Centre

Friday, 10 September 2010

LECTURING - First week of 2010/11

Draw each other Level 1

Draw a white still life Level 1
Illustrate a memory Level 3

Illustrate a memory Level 3

SHOWS - Polytechnic at Raven Row, London E1

Selection of video work produced in the UK in the late 1970's and early 1980's exploring ways of engaging with narrative and content. Curated by artist curator and writer Richard Grayson.

Cornelia Swann
Graham Young
At Raven Row, 56 Artilery Lane, London E1 7LS

Thursday, 9 September 2010


"Sayag Your photographs are all full frame. Do you ever crop your images?

Rauschenberg I don't crop. Photography is like diamond cutting. If you miss you miss. There's no difference with painting. If you don't cut you have to accept the whole image. You wait until life is in the frame, then you have full permission to click. I like the adventure of waiting until the whole frame is full.

Sayag You don't miss very often, from looking at the contact sheets.

Rauschenberg It's because I wait; I wait until it's there again. Whatever is there is a truth, but a truth you have to believe in. What you see in front of you is a fact. You click when you believe it's the truth. The information is waiting to become in essence a concentration, concentrated so clearly that it can be projected back into real life, into your recognition. It could be any size."

- Robert Rauschenberg and Alain Sayag, extract from interview, in Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs (New York: Pantheon Books, 1981- Reprinted in Chance, Documents of Contemporary Art, Whitechapel Gallery, 2010

This interview was on my mind when I shot this photographs today.
Location between Liverpool street and Old Street, London
Camera: Canon EOS 1000D
Photographs where not digitally manipulated.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

QUOTE- Yoko Ono

Beginning of Yoko Ono's Snow Piece (Tape piece III):
Take a tape of the sound of the snow falling. This should be done in the evening. Do not listen to the tape. Cut it and use it as strings to tie gifts with. 
Yoke One stated:
 "The only sound that exists to me is the sound of the mind. My works are only to induce music of the mind in people.' ...'There is a wind that never dies.'... 
 The wind is the moving mind, the mind that according to John Cage, 'is part of the air',the mind that is able to transcend 'the falsehood of consciousness' and fly. (Jacqueline Baas, The Sound of the Mind, 2005. Published in Chance, Documents of Contemporary Art, edited by Margaret Iversen, published by The Whitechapel Gallery)

DANCE- Performance with Michael Clark Company

From 27/08/2010 to 30/08/2010 at the Tate Modern London.
More info at: www.michaelclarkcompany.com

Michael Clark

Full dress rehearsal Thursday 26/08/2010.
Photo found on Michael Clark Company Facebook page. 

Tracks used in the performance:



It's No Game by David Bowie - Group 2
