Nearly ninety
The legacy tour
Merce Cunningham's last work before his death on 26th July 2009, was premiere in London at the Barbican in October. It was first shown in New York on his 90th birthday, 16 April 2009.
This was the first time I saw a live preformance of Cunningham's work. Managed to buy a ticket at the last minute after listening in the radio about the show.
When I arrived at my seat (GG13) the dancers were unexpectedly on stage warming up. Did some quick sketches.
Unforgetable experience.
Full admiration for the dancers who have performed with astonishing beauty.
Perfect combination of movement and sound.
In his work, Cunningham is interested in creating the possibility of a new experience. Through looking and listening, figuring out that it shouldn't look like something else, but instead making us think of what is that we are looking at.
Choreography by Merce Cunningham
Music by John Paul Jones, Takehisa Kosugi, Sonic Youth
Décor by Benedetta Tagliabue
Costumes by Romeo Gigli for io ipse idem
Lighting by Brian MacDevitt
Video by Franc Aleu