Tuesday, 30 December 2014

PERFORMANCE- Piece 1 in two parts (creating and developing)

Rehearsal: sketchbook, 11 x post-its, laptop (displaying image slideshow), headphones, pen

Ana Vicente, Piece 1 in two parts (part 1- still from recorded performance), 12.12.14
Holy Redeemer Church Hall, Exmouth Market,  London

Ana Vicente, Piece 1 in two parts (part 2- still from recorded performance), 12.12.14
Holy Redeemer Church Hall, Exmouth Market,  London

Tech-sheet page 1

Tech-sheet page 2

Part 1:
Birds singing
Seating down
Series of 11 different stretches

Part 2:
Stomping slow paced to fast paced
Running front back side ways
Arm & leg movement